Saturday 11 May 2013

How to actually contact Bloody Mary.

A little bit of backstory
All this saying her name 3 times in the dark is all bullshit. Me and my girlfriend love proving and debunking myths. Its sort of this thing we do every month or so. Especially the creepy ones. I don't, know why, i guess its because it gives us that adrenaline rush. We do everything from video games to strait up rituals and so far the only thing that we have found that is actually legitimate is a creepy glitch in sonic, oh, there's a pretty creepy one in Zelda I bet you guys haven't found, but that's for another time. Anyways last night we were looking up something to try out, when we come across this really odd post page on 4chan (Yes I know, but 4chan can be a good source of info.) This post is about how some chick claims that if you follow these 6 particular steps you can actually summon Bloody Mary. It also gave out all the different precautions you must take before hand. This shit really works.
How to do it
Supplies: A large dark towel (Preferably black), thick red dye , crowbar, at least 3 light sources (Flashlight, candle, match, anything that emits light (Bring as much as you can.)
At 12 am make your way to the desired room. Now, you don't need to be in a bathroom to do this but I highly suggest it. If you are in a room with multiple mirrors this could go bad, very bad. Just make sure there's only one mirror. And there can be absolutely no natural sunlight or it won't work. I'm going to use a bathroom in this example
The dye is a mixture of dirt, milk, blood, does not need to be human. Just get it from the meats department. We got ours from our deli.
Step 1
Have a mate assist you. Do NOT try this by yourself. When you have gathered all your supplies, one person will go inside the room with the supplies and shut themselves inside. The other person will wait right outside the door. Now lay out all your supplies and make one last check to make sure you have them all. Also write out these steps on a paper so you are confident you are doing everything correctly.
Step 2
Now turn on your source of light, whether it's a flashlight or a candle. Un screw the bathroom light bulbs. Now with the thick red dye, pour it on one of your hands. (This is the point of no return) With your dye covered hand make 4 dots on each corner of the mirror. At this time she is already present. She just is not revealing herself yet.
Step 3
After you have made you four dots, run your towel under water and wipe your hands. Keep your crowbar at close distance. Turn all light sources off at this point. Now with your wet towel you will say. "This is the cleanser of the dead." Put it over your head covering your eyes.
Step 4
You will now say. "I wish to speak with the fallen Queen." When you hear a soft voice say "Queen of fallen blood. Queen of hatred" Take the cloth off your head. Make sure you take it off your head.
Step 5
This is the most important step. When you unclothe your eyes DONT yell or panic. If you do, things will go wrong. KEEP CALM. Ask her questions if you wish just remember to be very polite. She mirrors your actions so don't be scared or angry.
Step 6
There are two paths that are taken on this step.
Path 1: If things are getting bad and she threatens you or becomes aggressive you are going to have to smash your mirror. Then yell you to your bud to open the door.
Path 2: Say, "I must depart, your highness." Then she will immediately vanish from the mirror. This doesn't mean she is gone though. She just isn't revealing herself. If you chose to leave after that, she will crawl out of any reflective surface in the house. And most likely kill you. Instead after you say "I must depart, your highness." Find your light emitting device and turn it on to find your light bulbs. Screw them back in. Now one by one, wipe away the red dots. When they are completely gone, you now say. "Flee" You are now safe. She will not come back unless you completely do the ritual over again.
If you do this correctly she will appear. Just remember the information I have given you. If you guys would like. Ill post mine and my girlfriends experience. Just message me or comment.
Stay safe guys. This isn't a joke. If you try this make sure you follow these rules.

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